Terms of Service

Who we are

Our website address is: https://planetrest.org

PlanetRest™ Foundation Terms of Service

By accessing and browsing the PlanetRest™ Foundation website (the “Site”), you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Use of Site Materials

You may download and print pages from the Site for private, non-commercial use, provided that you do not remove any attributions, copyright notices, or other proprietary notices, or otherwise modify the Site Materials. You may not download or print Site Materials for public or commercial purposes without PlanetRest™ Foundation’s (PRF) written permission. You may not, without written permission, distribute, modify, reproduce, sell, offer to sell, transmit, prepare derivative works of, or otherwise use any pages of the Site, other text or images displayed on the Site, or other content or code provided or otherwise made available in connection with the Site (collectively referred to as “Site Materials”).

Intellectual Property Rights

All Site Materials, including images, text, and code, are either the property of or used with permission by PRF. Unauthorized use of these Site Materials is prohibited and may violate copyright, trademark, privacy, and other relevant laws. PRF and its licensors retain all rights, title, and interest in all copyrights and intellectual property rights related to the Site and Site Materials, including trademarks, logos, and other proprietary information displayed on the Site (collectively, the “Marks”). Use of these Marks without written permission from PRF is strictly prohibited.

Communications and Submissions

Any communication or material you transmit to PRF or the Site, whether by electronic mail or otherwise, including data, questions, comments, or suggestions, will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. You authorize PRF, its affiliates, successors, and assigns to distribute, modify, reproduce, sell, transmit, or otherwise use any communication or material you transmit for any purpose. You also authorize PRF, its affiliates, successors, and assigns to use any ideas, concepts, or techniques contained in the communication.

Disclaimer and Warranties

The Site and all Site Materials are provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind. PRF and any other entities involved in the creation, production, delivery, or updating of the Site disclaim all implied warranties, including those of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, or quiet enjoyment. PRF makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any Site Materials. You are responsible for using antivirus and security software to protect your devices, and PRF is not liable for any damages arising from the introduction of harmful code.

Limitation of Liability

PRF is not liable to you or any other person or entity for any damages, direct or indirect, arising out of your use of the Site or Site Materials. This includes special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages. This limitation applies independently of any other limitation of remedy.

Links to Other Websites

The Site may contain links to third-party websites or frames that contain content from other websites (“Other Site Materials”). PRF is not responsible for the content or use of any Other Site Materials, and any use of such materials is at your own risk. PRF assumes no responsibility for monitoring any postings, transmissions, or uploads on the Site and is not liable for any content therein.

User Conduct

You are prohibited from posting or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate material on the Site. PRF will cooperate with law enforcement authorities in any investigation of such activities.


PRF reserves the right to revise or update these terms at any time without notice.